Frequently asked questions
Updated: 15/01/2024 - information regarding trains from Prague to Tábor and back added (, 17/01/2024 - new information regarding payments during the event (n. 18)
1. When will the 2024 World Cyclo-cross Championships take place?
The event will take place on 2-4 February 2024 in Tábor in the Komora area.
2. Is the program already available?
Yes, the race program can be found here:
3. How can I buy tickets?
Tickets can be purchased online or in person before the race. Please print your online tickets or be prepared to show the QR code on your mobile phone upon entry. If you have a three-day ticket, you must show this ticket/scan the QR code at entrance every day! So don't throw the ticket away and always keep it with you.
It will be possible to buy tickets at the entrance in both cash and by card (CZK and EUR).
4. Why buy tickets now?
There are several advantages to buying a ticket in advance. The first and most important is financial savings. If you buy your ticket in advance (from April 1, 2023 to February 1, 2024), you will save money on every type of ticket.
Tickets for Saturday cost CZK 375 (EUR 15) in advance, while if purchased online from 2 February 2024 or at the entrance, they will cost CZK 450 (EUR 18). Tickets for Sunday cost CZK 575 (EUR 23) in advance, compared to CZK 650 (EUR 26) if purchased later. Combination tickets for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday cost CZK 950 (EUR 38) in advance, while after 1 February or on-site the price will be CZK 1,100 (EUR 44).
On the other hand, if you decide to buy your ticket at the venue or online after 2 February 2024, the prices will mostly be higher, as you can see from the price list above. The ticket price for Friday remains the same (100 CZK / 4 EUR), but for other days and combinations the prices are higher.
Day/Days | Pre-sale Price (Apr 1, 2023 - Feb 1, 2024) | Price Online from Feb 2, 2024 and On-Site |
Friday | 4 EUR (100 CZK) | 4 EUR (100 CZK) |
Saturday | 15 EUR (375 CZK) | 18 EUR (450 CZK) |
Sunday | 23 EUR (575 CZK) | 26 EUR (650 CZK) |
Friday + Saturday + Sunday | 38 EUR (950 CZK) | 44 EUR (1,100 CZK) |
5. Do I have to print my ticket?
It is not mandatory to print your ticket. The ticket must be scanned for verification. Therefore you can either print it out or verify yourself via the QR code on your ticket.
6. What is the difference between regular and VIP tickets?
Regular tickets allow regular admission to the event, while VIP tickets offer additional benefits such as premium seating, exclusive access to VIP parking areas, and free food and drinks in the form of a buffet. For detailed information on the benefits of VIP tickets, please visit our website. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at
7. Can children attend the event?
Of course! Children are welcome. Tickets are required for all participants regardless of age. If the child is under 130 cm, the admission is free.
8. I am having problems with the payment. What should I do?
We use GoPay to arrange payments. The set limits for one order are 6 thousand EUR for bank transfer, 10 thousand EUR for card payment and for PayPal payment. If you are having issues with the payment or are not sure about the status of your order, please get in touch with us.
9. Is it possible to pay via PayPal?
Yes, but due to PayPal's terms and conditions we only allow payment in CZK in the Czech version of the website.
10. Where is the entrance to the area & where can I park?
You can find more information on our website:
11. Are there some discounts available for people with disabilities?
Yes, we offer a 50% discount for people with disabilities (with valid certifications or IDs). However, these tickets can only be purchased on-site. The discount does not apply to companions.
12. Is it possible to take a dog or other animal with me?
It is not possible to bring a dog or other animal to the race for the safety of both the fans and the racers.
13. Is it possible to arrive by camper?
Yes. We offer two parking options for campers. More information here:
14. How to get to Tábor from Prague?
Getting to Tábor from Prague is relatively easy by car, train or bus. České dráhy have become a partner of the World Championships and will arrange special trains from Prague for cyclo-cross fans with a stop near the track (Tábor-Čápův Dvůr station). For more information follow our website:
15. Is it possible to bring refreshments / what is not possible to bring?
Anything that could endanger the safety of visitors such as glass bottles, pyrotechnics, flammable materials and weapons of any kind are prohibited. As for bringing refreshments, just like at a concert or any other similar event, this is not allowed. Smaller backpacks can be brought but will be searched. Larger luggage cannot be brought.
16. On your website it says "VIP: THREE-DAY TICKET: Friday, Saturday, Sunday", but the VIP tent is only open on Saturday and Sunday?
Yes. The VIP tent is normally only open on Saturday and Sunday. We probably made a mistake with the naming of the VIP tickets right at the beginning and only realized it later. VIP guests with this type of ticket have free entry on Friday for the team relay races. After that, the VIP tent awaits them during Saturday and Sunday. If you are unsure about anything regarding VIP tickets, please contact
17. I am a photographer or journalist. What do I need to do to get official accreditation?
For more information, please visit our website: For questions, please contact
18. Will you accept cash (CZK or EUR) at the event for food & drinks? What payment options will be available?
We only accept card payments, and all charges will be in CZK. Cash payments will not be accepted at the 2024 Cyclocross World Championship. For those without card options, you can top up cash onto a bracelet with a chip. Please read more here:
19. What kind of atmosphere can I expect? Will there be some music?
Yes. Yes. Yes. Read more here: